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¿Quiénes Somos?

Consorcio Justicia Inc. (Justice Consortium) es una organización sin fines de lucro fundada en los EE. UU. y exenta de impuestos según la sección 503 (c) (3) del Código de Rentas Internas. Nuestra misión es fortalecer la democracia, el estado de derecho y los derechos humanos en América Latina y el Caribe, especialmente en Venezuela, Cuba y Nicaragua

Nuestra Misión

  • Analizamos la situación política actual y los posibles escenarios.

  • Monitoreamos el estado de la democracia y los derechos humanos.

  • Fortalecemos a las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y a los defensores de derechos humanos.

  • Hacemos recomendaciones para la política de EE. UU. y las organizaciones internacionales hacia América Latina.

Cómo Operamos


Una América Latina libre de regímenes autoritarios donde se respeten y garanticen la democracia y los derechos humanos fundamentales.

Una América Latina libre de regímenes autoritarios donde se respeten y garanticen la democracia y los derechos humanos fundamentales.

¿Quienes Somos?

Somos una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a promover la justicia social y a fortalecer la democracia y los derechos humanos en los países de América Latina. Trabajamos incansablemente para empoderar a las comunidades y fomentar un entorno donde los derechos humanos sean respetados y protegidos.

Nos esforzamos por ser una fuente confiable de información actual sobre la situación en Venezuela, Cuba y Nicaragua, y por apoyar a las voces y organizaciones de la sociedad civil que luchan por la justicia y la democracia.

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Carlos Ponce
Director Ejecutivo

Dr. Ponce has over three decades of experience in strategic planning, governance, civil society development, nonprofit management, and human rights, as well as managing multiple businesses and organizations. He has planned, managed, monitored, and fundraised for multiple programs and multiple countries funded by entities like USAID, DRL, DOS, the European Union, Government of Japan, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, DFAIT, NED, the World Bank, among others.

As a consultant, Dr. Ponce has advised numerous nonprofits, government agencies, and private companies on strategic management, governance, accountability, social responsibility, fundraising, planning, regulatory/legal, and human rights. He has been board member for international nonprofit networks, including the World Movement for Democracy, Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy, and the Community of Democracies. He holds a Law and Policy Doctorate from Northeastern University, a Master Degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Environmental Law from Vermont Law School, a Master in Arts in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning from Tufts University, and a JD/Law Degree at the AB Catholic University.

He is the Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer at Consorcio Justicia Inc, managing several Department of State and USAID projects and he is adjunct professor at Northeastern University, faculty at Framingham State University, learning facilitator

at Boston University Questrom School of Business, and adjunct professor at John Hopkins University. Previously, he directed the Latin America and Caribbean programs at Freedom House, he was the General Coordinator at the Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy, and he was the Latin America and Caribbean Director at Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. He worked in projects with the World Bank, Verizon, Inter-American Developing Bank, European Union, Canada’s CIDA, among others. He was a Senior Lecturer at Columbia University, teaching several nonprofit management courses, and he was also faculty at Tufts University, University of New Hampshire, Boston University Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, UCV and UCAB. 


As an artist, he had multiple exhibits and awards as a painter, including exhibits in NY, RI, MA, FL, Tokyo/Japan, and California. He is a columnist for El Tiempo Latino newspaper and has published several books and articles.

Conoce nuestro equipo

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Lilian Lucena
Program Officer

Lilian joined Consorcio Justicia as a program officer in 2023 and has more than seven years of experience in the field of human rights, civil society, and project management in Latin America. In her role, she manages the implementation of the programs in Venezuela and Cuba and coordinates the research and reporting about the situation of these countries. Previously, she was Latin American Programs Assistant at Victims of Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC) where she supported civil society organizations in Venezuela and Cuba and helped to raise awareness about the violations of human rights. 


Before moving to the USA, Lilian worked with NGOs in Latin America. She worked at the Grupo de Diálogo sobre Minería en Colombia (GDIAM), an NGO which convenes the principal stakeholders of the mining sector in Colombia for roundtable dialogues to reach points of consensus. She also worked at the Foro Penal Venezolano where she drafted the reports on repression and violations of Human Rights in Venezuela.


Lilian also has several years of experience advocating for a free society in Latin America. As a student, Lilian held different leadership positions at Students for Liberty (SFL), reaching the position of President for Latin America where she supported a network of +200 students across the region and managed projects with regional impact for the promotion of freedom in Latin America. In her role, Lilian was invited to speak at the International Students for Liberty Conference in Washington, DC, on the panel “Advice from the Best Student Organizers on the Planet” and at the Oslo Freedom Forum of 2016, in Oslo, Norway, on the panel “Safeguarding Freedom Worldwide Through Student Activism”.


Lilian has a Law Degree and is based in Washington D.C 


Denunciar las violaciones de los derechos humanos en Cuba, así como promover la democracia y los derechos humanos. Empoderar activamente a la comunidad de artistas cubanos.


Promover los derechos humanos y laborales, así como empoderar a los movimientos juveniles, los grupos vulnerables, los artistas y los movimientos sociales,


Trabajar con la diáspora y los movimientos sociales en el país.

Nuestra participación


Latinoamérica y el Caribe

Las actividades del Consorcio Justicia incluyen el apoyo a organizaciones en los Estados Unidos y América Latina que trabajan en el desarrollo social sostenible, la democracia, los derechos humanos, la educación y la reforma judicial. Nos esforzamos significativamente en promover la buena gobernanza, dedicando recursos y esfuerzos para fortalecer estas áreas cruciales.

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